Launched in 2023, 小川演讲系列是一个智力探索的平台,旨在挑战传统智慧, question prevailing assumptions, and embrace growth in diversity, community, and belonging.
October 9, 2023 – Indigenous Peoples’ Day: Tanaya Winder,诗人,作家,Duckwater Shoshone部落的成员. Ms. 温德介绍了她的人生历程,并朗诵了诗歌. Her collections include Words Like Love and 为什么风暴以人的名字命名,而子弹却没有名字. A graduate of Stanford and the University of New Mexico, her ancestors come from the Southern Ute, Pyramid Lake Paiute, Navajo, and Black tribes.
Ramo Lecture Series
This lecture series, established by Albuquerque lawyer Roberta Cooper Ramo, 美国律师协会和美国法律协会的第一位女主席, 是ECMC集团为纪念库珀·雷默而捐赠的, 提供金融工具和服务的公司家族, nonprofit career education, 以及就业安置服务,帮助学生取得成功,实现他们的学术和职业目标.
October 4, 2018: 玛格丽特·马歇尔,马萨诸塞州最高法院前首席大法官
March 5, 2020: Legal Experts Vicki L. Been and Richard L. Revesz
November 4, 2021: Judge Raymond J. Lohier, Jr. of the U.S. Court of Appeals
November 17, 2022: Goodwin Liu,加州最高法院大法官
November 16, 2023: Pamela S. Karlan是研究投票和政治过程的权威专家
Thursday Seminars
Each seminar, led by English teacher Hughlings Himwich, is based on a thought-provoking text, 从诗歌和文学经典到哲学和神经科学. Thursday 研讨会免费提供给社区,在Simms图书馆141室举行,下午6:30-8:30.m. Zoom access is available upon request. For more details, visit our calendar.
Charger Aquatics希望培训救生员在夏季和学年期间在游泳馆工作! 2024年春假课程将于3月25日至28日上午9点举行.m.-4 p.m., and includes a meal break. 考生必须在3月21日下午3:45通过课程前评估. 该课程融合了在线和现场教学内容. 在课程最后一天必须年满15岁才能参加. Registration closes on March 21 at 3 p.m.
Upon successful completion of the course, 在夏季和学年期间,救生员可以在学院游泳池轮班工作,起薪为每小时15美元.
This is a blended online/in-person course. 考生必须在第一堂课之前完成所有在线内容,并且必须参加每一节课以获得认证.
Upon successful completion of the course, 救生员将可以轮班监督实践, meets, and other events held in the Academy’s Natatorium.
可提供的班次包括工作日和周末在夏季和学年. Starting rate is $15/hr.
Sign-ups close Friday, December 16 at 5 p.m.
NOLS Wilderness Medicine Courses
体验教育系每年举办三期野外医学课程, 由现任和前任教育学院教授:荒野第一响应者再认证, a Wilderness First Aid Course, and a student-only Wilderness First Aid Course. The student-only Wilderness First Aid Course is offered each winter; students are contacted via email and school announcements to sign up.
无论天气如何,你都可以在教室和户外环境中学习, so come prepared for wet, muddy, cold, or hot environments. 这种基于场景的重新认证方法为您提供了在实际情况下测试技能的机会. 你将练习并重新学习野外医学协议, review evacuation and decision-making guidelines, 并在两天的时间里接受野外医学的最新进展.
Course: Wilderness Medicine First Aid Sponsor: Albuquerque Academy Location: Albuquerque, NM Dates: Saturday, May 4, and Sunday, May 5, 2024 Location: Multipurpose Room, West Campus, Albuquerque Academy (campus map) Tuition: $290
Prepare for the unexpected with this fun, 为期两天的野外医学实践入门课程. 如果你喜欢短途旅行,离医疗资源比较近, work at wilderness camps, enjoy weekend family outdoor activities, or recreate outdoors, this course is for you.
本课程非常适合所有经验水平的人,最适合那些在户外娱乐的人,在那里可以期望及时的EMS响应(少于8小时)。. You’ll learn the Patient Assessment System, 如何为户外常见的伤害和疾病提供有效的急救治疗, and how to make appropriate evacuation decisions.
无论天气如何,你都可以在教室和户外环境中学习, so come prepared for wet, muddy, cold, or hot environments!